The vacation/road trip to Canada was a success. Beautiful mountains and lakes . . .
The grandkids Halloween costumes were adorable. See their blogs for pictures and details.
Dave and Lexi purchased a great home in Layton. I am so very happy for them!
Thanksgiving was fine, although Rachael and Seuao went south to see some of his family in Las Vegas. It threw me off a bit but I am grateful for having the rest of the crew here!
December was a blurr-too much
Of course the picture was cropped in to show the faces better but you get the idea.
It is now the 28th of December and the chaos has passed-thanks Rachael for the clean-up!
Although not the focus of our celebration, this year the gifts I received were truly magnificent.
Pat, with the help of Dave, gave me a trip back to my childhood home, Florida. I was so surprised. Dave managed to take Lexy and Noah on a trip last year that really made me long for the opportunity to see those places again. I really can not believe it is going to happen-I am so excited.
Rachael got me a bracelet (and spacers . .)from-my favorite-Brighton. Not just a bracelet, a charm bracelet. And each of the kids got me a charm that represented them. It is just precious! I love it and will wear it often. I already wore it to church yesterday. She also gave me a cute red travel bag, hmmm I can put that to work!
Granny gave me money-which I will so enjoy spending in Florida and a blue tooth for my phone! Dave and Lex put together a calendar for next year full of family pictures.
Mary made me a pair of red earrings(the third in three years-I wear them so often they get lost) and a charm for my phone. All of the kids were tired of my 'ghetto' fishing wire (all that was left after the last on finally gave up the ghost) and the three plastic Christmas balls-red of course-I recently tied on to the wire. Hey, I could locate the phone in record time, sometimes even before it stopped ringing. She also got me one of those neck/chin exercisers--we'll put it to the test. I do hope it actually works!
Beck and family gave me a book, the Undaunted, we can pass around and all enjoy reading, and a beautiful string of brown/gold pearls-perfect for me.
Sarah gave me a very fashionable brown sweater-she struggles against all odds to keep me somewhat in fashion, well as in fashion as a Granny can be.
We really had so much fun just being together.Cooking only stopped momentarily and Rachael washed more dishes than I can count. From time to time she had a little help from Sarah and me but in truth she did most of the dishes, and for 19 people, that is a lot of dishes! Of course, we enjoyed the traditional turkey dinner on Christmas but we are still eating the turkey soup Allen so graciously prepared for us.
Life is good-very busy! The Relief Society is fine. Unfortunately we have a sweet young sister, only 19 years old, valiantly fighting Leukemia in Primary Childrens Hospital. She is always in our thoughts and prayers. But for today, it is just too cold to go outside (up to 5 degrees at noon).
I hope all of you have had a wonderful Christmas. At this time of year I truly appreciate the gifts of life, mortal and eternal, I have been given by Heavenly Father and my Savior, Jesus Christ! Nothing compares!