


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tessa makes Two

It's been a most wonderful week as I have had the privledge of spending it with Rachael, Seuao and two of the most beautiful girls on the world, Lily and Tessa. Don't you agree?

I'm not too good at the picture thing yet--or I'd get rid of the Doctor pic--but at least you can see the family.

I will say it can be exhausting just caring for a one year old. I do not know how I ever did it. My hat is offf to all young mothers! Lily is an active little girl in the midst of change and actually doing very well with it. If we could gt Tessa to sleep at night, we'd all be better off. All in good time, I know.

I got to take Lily to church today. She was very good, no melt downs at all really. She paniced more or less when she thought I was going to leave her in the nursery. Needless to say, she came to Relief Society with me and with a little help from the surrounding grandmothers we were just fine. during Sunday School I went with her to the nursery and we both enjoyed it. It was expecially nice to see Nursery leaders who enjoyed their jobs and did them well. Thank You!

I am not sure I am really looking forward to going home to the Relief Society but I talked to the Bishop today and I guess there are those who need me there. It is nice to be needed. And I do love serving the sisters and the Lord.

I have actually missed seeing Ella and Mia everyday as they are currently living with us. It is amazing how fast I get attached to these precious little spirits. I don't believe I ever got over Noah leaving. But, parents have to move on with life. I am just grateful for all the chances I gt to be part of their lives!


Mary said...

That's a very nice post. I'll try to help you with your pictures this weekend. Don't let me forget!

Jill Child McGowan said...

I'm so glad to see you in the blogging world! I found your blog linked on Mary's. I get frustrated with the pictures too. I doubt I use the fastest tricks to make my posts but at the leat the finished product is okay. I can't believe Elvis is gone. I'll miss that crazy dog :)