


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Time to think

I read on a friends post about funeral conversation . . . it reminded me. I was once at a funeral for a 80+ year old woman. She had been nothing but kind to our family. She was a large woman that always had smiles, hugs and a place on her lap for David. One of her family members decided to be "honest" and mentioned her affair (some 55+ years) earlier. Good grief! There is a place for honesty but come on. Tact would be not to mention it at all. My (always socially correct) husband says "don't miss an opportunity to keep your mouth shut!" See I do listen, I just do not always think faster than I speak.But I am still trying.
I am so glad I get to fondly remember a fine-although imperfect-woman, like me (imperfect, of course, not the affair). I am sorry her family could not forgo the opportunity to spoil the memory of a life time of faith and love with a long past mistake. May we all think before we speak-especially at a funeral!

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