


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A change in Role

Not the best picture-but it is me-with my hair pulled back

I will have lots more time for blogging now that I have been released from being the Relief Society President.
I must say I was shocked, dismayed and saddened by the release. I was really enjoying the opportunity to serve. I never complained, that I can remember. I did get a bit frustrated with some people. You know the kind, they don't listen, they don't follow through, they continue to complain. If not to you eventually about you. I am truly grateful for the 2 years I had. I am eternally grateful for all the many many people that stepped up tot he plate and served with me. I never really knew an Elders Quorum President could make such a difference.
Logan ERS center (next to DI)

So now I have been called as the Ward Employment Specialist. In our Ward this is a tough job. We've had people in this position over the past two years but virtually nothing has been done. Brother Wise was just getting started when he left. But the ones since then have not even been willing to attend Welfare meeting to find out who needed their assistance.

I attended a training on Saturday at the LDS Employment Resources Services for over 2 hours. It is amazing how the employment search methods have changed and improved over the years. With competition for jobs the way it is it boggles the mind. Once again I am gratedul that my sweet husband has been abale to support our family and I have not had to worry about employment over the years and I am available to serve others!

The future is ahead!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Wow--you have been busy blogging today! Yeah, I'm pretty sure that it's inappropriate to mention indiscretions at a funeral. Who was this funeral for? I love you!