


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ella as an angel

Now those are not words that often come together. After all Ella is full of energy and as inquisitive as her Nanny--always finding something to get into! But Sunday, she truly was an angel.

Beck brought her to Church but she spent the whole Sacrament meeting with Nanny and Papa. I only had one life saver in my new "purse, brain." but that was enough, she didn't complain or fuss. She shared the hymn book with me as I pointed to all the words like I used to do with my kids. She even tried to sing along. In between one little finger puppett, the sea horse, was all it took to keep her going.

Followig the meeting there was the necessary running around--by Nanny--to deliver all the messages. . .and find Miss Lynn, of course. Then there was choir practice, blessed by another mother's preparation and fruit snack graciously shared.

Then, a good hour after sacrament meeting was over, we finally were ready to go home. Ella didn't want to go home. the Rabbit game, like Dave's, was waiting for her. Yet still she wanted to come home with us. I gave in, after all I'd just spent 4 days in SLC with Tessa and Lily. I warned her Nanny and Papa would want to take naps, but she was undetered.

Papa lost and we made blueberry-pancakes, sausage and eggs for lunch, she is a great help! She ate everything on her plate, plus some fresh blueberries and all of her milk! but then it was time for nap. I offered to take her home but again she refused.

Right into Papas big bed she went--with Nanny, of course. Papa got the couch. I seriously doubted this would fly, but it did. Just a few minutes of talking and she was gone.

3:15 the phone rang, and woke me up. It was Beck. Their family was off to Lance's parents and would be right by to pick up Ella. We had time for a couple of Jennga towers but that was it. We picked up and put away the blocks and she was off.

Now I ask you could it have possible gone any better?
I don't think so.
Was I just dreaming?
I don't think so.

My sweet Ella,
Thank you for breaking us in as Grand parents so beautifully. Thank you for showing us how great the future will be with all these precious little spirits in our lives.
We love you!
Nanny and Papa

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Thanks mom! Ella is CRAZY about you guys, and the time she gets with you is precious.