


Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Refreshing View

Today, after Relief Society, Pat and i went to SLC to hear Mary and Allen speak in Church. We had the privledge of hold, wrangling Benji for the meeting.

We made a few mistakes in that process. Benji doesn't drink well out of his sippy cup when the lid is still on it. Papa was pretty wet but not quite as wet as Benji. Sippy cups do leak through lids when sucked on hard enough. And Nanny has definitely lost her knack at helping little people drink from very small cups. Benjie can, on the other hand, squirt water a considerable distance when he does not want it in his mouth. Allen was also correct inthe comment he made at Benjie's first birthday party, "it's not so much what the book is about as it is what it tastes like." We had one really good tasting book, we knew that when we tried to take it away from him. The best I could do is kinda' mash the cardboard back into its original shape and try and smooth the lamaneted cover back down. Sorry guys! We also managed to deestroy a very cute yellow tie. It was a clip on and seemed to be gouginh Benjie's neck. He didn't really complain, so I should have left it alone. But, it looked so painful. I just couldn't leave it alone. the tie part came off first, then finally the clip. It really was my fault. the darn thing was such a challenge. I spent a good portion of the time trying to put it back together. No Luck, sorry again. i will get him a new one, on elastic if I can find one like that. It will not look so painful anyway.

We only let the little guy down on the floor once. keeping him from speeding down the asile was like holding back a bull from entering the arena at a rodeo. Only I was the rider, holding on for dear life sortof. He is one strong dude with a will of iron. But no crying over that anyway. Nearly tripped a little girl but the disster was avoided. If the little girl had cried, Ben would have had such sympathy that I would have had to leave the chapel. He was in "sympathy" mode most of the meeting. When he could hear another child cry, well, he responded.
All and all it was a very quiet meeting by ????? 15th Ward standards anyway. (Someone might get offended if I put the whole mane in there)

What I really wanted to say is, it was so refreshing to see and hear Allen and Mary talk like adults, about adult topics. It's been a while since there was much of any conversation around this house that was not about, by, or directed at little people. We as Grandparents love to hear about all the changes in the little one's lives, and we love to make and hear them laugh. Talking and singing to these precious spirits is a privledge and absolutely down-right fun. It's just easy to forgo the adult stuff. It's easy to forget that the parents have brains left in thir heads (You do have some brains left, I know. They may be difficult to locate but the exercise is worth it!)

Mary and ALlen both did a great jobs. See all that moving around and those "new member" speaking opportunities have paid off. I only wish we could have stayed for dinner. We had ONE home teaching appointment to get home to. Dad likes to do one a week if he can, too bad we are supposed to visit 5 families. We usually get all of them that will let us in.

Thanks again for sharing the experience, Benjie, and your adult talks with us. I will look for a tie.
Happy sunday all!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate your coming down to help us out with Benji! Imagine trying to wrangle him on the stand!