


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

More things on the list and a few off

So where am I now?

Somewhere on a list of things to do

Father's Day stuff
With Ella's all 60 ties are colored
All 60 are taped to the candy bars
Now all 59 (Ella took one home for her Dad) tied with green or blue ribbon

Ella also joined me on a trip to Walmart and the search for refreshment.
I secured the hair dye (add that to the list for tomorrow)
No cute top found (so sad time is running out still on the list for tomorrow)
Medication for Lance (Beck stayed at our house with Mia during the trip-she wasn't feeling too well )retrieved (on and off the list--the way I like it).

Phone Calls
Almost done! It has actually been kind of fun calling people-connecting to and making more friends. I called Amber but got her husband's cell phone BOO! I left a message anyway.

Around the house
The porch light got installed-mostly. thanks to a good Home Teacher-Thanks Darrell! Now all I have to do is put in the bulbs and program the thing. Thank heavens for instructions!

Not bad. . .let's see how tomorrow goes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good job mom! I'm glad to see you're writing more. :) I'll probably head up to Logan on Friday night.